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Progress Dashboard

Where have we been?

Where have we been?

Where are we now?

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

Phase 1 (2016)

We recruited stakeholders to analyze the problem, created a beginning set of system elements, and began considering a framework for a Detroit community development system.

Phase 2 (2017-2018)

We formed an Advisory Council, conducted extensive research resulting in a specific set of challenges and created Task Forces to respond to those challenges and develop test-projects for most of the elements.

Phase 3 (2019-2020)

Stakeholders will champion elements of the system, working closely with CDOs and GROs, by “test-piloting” project ideas:

  • Coordination of Capacity Building Services
  • Community Development Career Navigation Model
  • Neighborhood Vitality Success Framework
  • Neighborhood Voice and Advocacy Framework
  • At least two city-CDO funded partnerships

Simultaneously we will:

  • Activate the System Capitalization element
  • Establish a governance/oversight structure
  • Develop a process to resolve CDO coverage for all neighborhoods
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CDAD Policy Update

September 20, 2020 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm


Don’t miss out on a great opportunity to learn and apply the Fundamentals of Building Strong Coalitions. Register NOW for the Policy Team’s Community Development Week session on Monday, Sept. 21 from 9:00 am – 12:00 noon. David Hunt, a nationally recognized teacher and leader in organizing for social, will led an interactive virtual training. This training is free and limited to 30 participants on a first come, first serve basis. Only a few slots are still available, so register by Sept. 18


Comment on the Proposed State Fairgrounds Development Deal

State Fairgrounds Development Coalition is asking you to make public comment during the Sept. 24 City Planning Commission meeting and the October City Council meeting and say that we must have a community benefits agreement for the proposed State Fairgrounds Deal.  The Coalition is also asking you to email and call Mayor Duggan, Council Members and Planning Commissioners. NO CBA = NO SALE!

We need an enforceable community benefits agreement that at the very least:

  • protects residents’ health & safety
  • provides Detroit residents with a first review for jobs
  • provides subcontracting and vending opportunities for businesses owned by people of color
  • protects the environment and uses sustainable building practices
  • provides recreational opportunities
  • provides a forum for continued community engagement
  • doesn’t harass workers or interfere with workers’ right to organize
  • has provisions for monitoring, reporting, and enforcement to make sure Detroiters are treated fairly!

Visit the SFDC website and the Detroit People’s Platform website for more information

City Planning Commission public hearing on Sept. 24 at 6:00 pm Planning & Development Department’s request to amend the Detroit Master Plan of Policies to change the Future General Land Use designation of the former State Fairgrounds from PR (Regional Park) to IL (Light industrial).

Comment on the Fiat Chrysler Air Quality Permit by Sept. 18

Fiat Chrysler (FCA) has applied for yet another air quality permit to refurbish an old paint line for their expansion. The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes & Energy (EGLE) is holding a public comment period from now until Sept. 18, 2020. Detroit People’s Platform is asking you to call, email or write EGLE by Sept. 18, 2020 and share your questions, concerns and demands for FCA to reduce output at the source, increase protections and improve source monitoring. Mail: Annette Switzer, Permit Section Manager, EGLE, AQD, P.O. Box 30260, Lansing, Michigan, 48909–7760. Online: EGLE Web Click on Submit Comment” under the FCA US, LLC Jefferson North Assembly Plant and Detroit Assembly Complex Mack Plant – Permit to Install Application Nos. 33–20 and 14–19A. Call: 517–284-0900, Leave a voicemail.


Eviction Help for Detroiters Tenants and Landlords

If you or someone you know is facing eviction and has received a notice to quit or a court order summons, complaint or judgment, get information and help by calling the Eviction Prevention Hotline number (866) 313‑2520 or completing the online Eviction Prevention Intake Form Detroit Eviction Defense provides tenants and renter groups with information, advice and assistance.

CDC Issues Temporary Order Halting Residential Evictions

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued an order, Temporary Halt in Residential Evictions to Prevent the Further Spread of COVID-19. The order is effective until December 31, 2020. Tenants facing evictions or are in the eviction process due to nonpayment of rent are covered by this moratorium, under certain conditions. Tenants seeking this protection are required to declare their inability to pay their full rent, while continuing to pay as much rent as they can. Tenants must submit a signed declaration to their landlord. More information on qualifications as well as a link to the declaration form are available on CEDAM’s website.

This moratorium will provide necessary protections to renters for the time being, but this will only delay a coming wave of evictions due to nonpayment. Millions of Americans will still owe back rent, fees, and penalties that they have been unable to repay even if they have returned to work. Contact your members of Congress and urge them to restart negotiations and provide adequate housing resources and reliefOpportunity Starts at Home created a pre-formatted letter that you can send to your elected officials.

Federal Mortgage Foreclosure Moratorium Extended to Dec. 31

Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, FHA, VA, and USDA mortgage loans have all extended the CARES Act foreclosure moratorium to December 31, 2020. The moratorium halts all new foreclosure actions; suspends any foreclosure actions under way; says servicers are required to offer forbearance when a borrower requests it. The option to forebear is extended to up to a year, and a lump sum payment is not required at the end of the forbearance. The moratorium does not cover privately held mortgages More information is available here.


The Community Outreach Ordinance Public Hearing will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 22 at 10:00 am during the City Council Formal Session. CDAD encourages you to participate in the hearing and to make public comment. In your comments, identify yourself as a CDAD member or partner. Here are suggested talking points:

  • We want community engagement not community outreach.
  • We expect the City to allocate sufficient resources to implement a city-wide community engagement approach.
  • We expect the City to leverage all of its digital and non-digital communication mechanisms to communicate with its residents / stakeholders
  • We believe that separation of powers does not prohibit the City from adopting an effective community engagement ordinance.

Here are links to the ordinance and other documents. Click HERE  to review an updated online copy of the Community Outreach Ordinance PowerPoint. Click HERE to review the Community Outreach Ordinance Summary. Click HERE to review the Community Outreach Ordinance Key Points. Click HERE  to review the Community Outreach Ordinance.  Click HERE for the proposed, non-binding Closing Resolution.


Proposal N – Neighborhood Improvement Bond, if passed by Detroit voters on November 3, will allow the sale of up to $250 million in unlimited tax general obligation bonds. UTGO bonds are a type of municipal debt. The Duggan Administration that it wants to use the bond proceeds over the next 3–5 years to demolish 8,000 vacant houses and to secure or rehab 8,000 vacant houses that are deemed structurally sound. These houses are owned by the Land Bank. Proposal N — 8 Goals .pdf and Proposal N — Improvement Bond.pdf.

The Administration has made many verbal and written statements regarding hiring, procurement, contracting, home repair and rehab, and the expected impact on Detroiters’ and the City’s finances. Some of these statements are in the proposed, non-binding Closing Resolution dated July 20.  Recently, Arthur Jemison and LaJuan Counts, the Demolition Dept. Director, presented City Council with updates on the Neighborhood Improvement Plan. He said important changes will be made to the Closing Resolution extending Executive Order 2016–1 goal to hire 51% Detroiters and removing vendor interviews. Mr. Jemison described the Administration’s efforts to provide information to the community and their intention to issue a series of policy briefs. Council is expect to vote on the proposed resolution in the next week.

Council Members and community stakeholders have raised numerous questions about following the FCA hiring plan; compensating over-assessed residential property owners; the possible impact on the City’s financial position and credit rating; the expected impact on property taxes; the roles of the Land Bank, Demolition Dept. and CDOs; the need to hire more Demo Dept. and Civil Rights, Inclusion & Opportunity Dept. employees; and monitoring compliance. Legislative Policy Division has answered some of questions in LPD Neighborhood Improvement Bond report dated July 20. (There are apparently two other LPD reports). Additionally, the Office of the Auditor General has several reports on the demolition program.

Eastside Community Network held a Proposal N Forum on Sept. 16. Here’s the link to the Facebook recording  Stay tuned — CDAD is planning a Proposal N webinar and other educational efforts.


The US Census Bureau is asking you to remind your network that it’s time to respond to the Census by phone 844–330-2020, online and by mail by Sept. 30.  Share this 2020 Census graphic with your social media followers using the hashtag #2020Census and post this 2020 Census banner on your website. Send an email or text message reminder to your employees, friends, neighbors and family members with a link to respond at and post a reminder on your intranet. The Census Bureau asks you to support your digital engagement with activities like chalking the sidewalks in your community with Chalk the Walk” reminders.


In recent years, Detroit has transformed from a city with the largest percentage of Black homeowners in the nation, to a city that is slightly majority renter occupied. Community development practitioners and City officials have used Average Media Income (AMI), the midpoint of a metropolitan region’s income whereas half of the population earn more than the median and half earn less than the median. AMI is often used as the rule for a household’s income eligibility to live in income-restricted housing and the affordability of publicly-funded development projects. AMI is not affordable to most Detroiters, because the Detroit AMI is calculated with the inclusion of the Warren and Livonia suburbs. For example, the 2020 AMI for Detroit-Warren-Livonia for a family of four is $78,500 whereas the AMI for a family of four in Detroit was around $30,000 in 2019. To mitigate the affordability crisis, City Council adopted a Detroit Median Income resolution, sponsored by Pres Pro Tem Mary Sheffield, urging the City of Detroit to utilize the Detroit Area Median Income as the basis for evaluating affordable housing projects. To read the resolution click here.


Citizen Detroit will hold a virtual school board candidate speed-dating forum on Oct. 1 from 6:00 – 8:00 pm via Zoom. You’ll be able to engage with DPSCD school board candidates in small groups and ask critical questions. Three seats are open on this seven-member board tasked with policy-making and oversight. Come determine for yourself who will best serve the district’s students and families, so you can cast an informed vote in the November election. You must RSVP HERE in order to participate.  For more information, email or or call the CitizenDetroit office at 313–334-3131.

CEDAM held a MSHDA Interim QAP Timeline & Updates webinar with presenters, Chad Benson from MSHDA and Chris Potterpin from the Michigan Housing Council. The recording is now available. Below is the projected interim Qualified Allocation Plan revision timeline:

  • Information hearing September 25, 2020
  • Draft QAP to be released at the end of September
  • Public hearings regarding the draft QAP in mid-October
  • Presented and tentatively approved by the MSHDA board October 22
  • Funding round deadline will tentatively be end of January or early February 2021


September 20, 2020

8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Event Category: