This Week on #KNIGHTLIVE
October 28, 2020 @ 8:00 am - October 29, 2020 @ 5:00 pm
Divergent realities: race and polarization in America
Wednesday, Oct. 28, 12 p.m. ET | 9 a.m. PT
Recent research finds that Americans have greatly different perceptions of the discrimination and racism that Black Americans experience. It also shows that the composition of our social networks matter. What factors drive these differences in perception? How do these divergent and increasingly polarized realities play out in American communities? How can we work to bridge these divides?
Ted Johnson, fellows program director, Brennan Center for Justice
Anthea Butler, associate professor of religious studies, University of Pennsylvania
Emily Ekins, research fellow and director of polling, Cato Institute
Ravi Perry, chair of political science, Howard University
Research from
Daniel A. Cox, director, Survey Center on American Life, American Enterprise Institute
Stephen Hawkins, director of research, More in Common
Evette Alexander, director for learning and impact, Knight Foundation
In partnership with
American Enterprise Institute, More in Common
Building the future: digital transformation in museums
Thursday, Oct. 29, 1 p.m. ET | 10 a.m. PT

How were museums approaching digital before COVID-19 and what do they think about digital opportunities going forward? We’ll discuss the challenges and opportunities for digital transformation in America’s museums. We’ll also explore how museums can structure their digital work to better reach the communities they serve.
Kate Haley Goldman, principal, HG&Co
Loïc Tallon, expert associate partner, McKinsey & Company
Chris Barr, Knight Foundation director for arts and technology innovation