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Progress Dashboard

Where have we been?

Where have we been?

Where are we now?

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

Phase 1 (2016)

We recruited stakeholders to analyze the problem, created a beginning set of system elements, and began considering a framework for a Detroit community development system.

Phase 2 (2017-2018)

We formed an Advisory Council, conducted extensive research resulting in a specific set of challenges and created Task Forces to respond to those challenges and develop test-projects for most of the elements.

Phase 3 (2019-2020)

Stakeholders will champion elements of the system, working closely with CDOs and GROs, by “test-piloting” project ideas:

  • Coordination of Capacity Building Services
  • Community Development Career Navigation Model
  • Neighborhood Vitality Success Framework
  • Neighborhood Voice and Advocacy Framework
  • At least two city-CDO funded partnerships

Simultaneously we will:

  • Activate the System Capitalization element
  • Establish a governance/oversight structure
  • Develop a process to resolve CDO coverage for all neighborhoods
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Upcoming Opportunities

May 4, 2021 - May 25, 2021

AmeriCorps State Host Site applications are due this week, AmeriCorps living allowance increases by $5,000

We are excited to announce that the living allowance for AmeriCorps State members has increased from $14,000 to $19,000 for the 2021–22 program. If you are interested in hosting an AmeriCorps State member, make sure to submit your application by this Friday, May 7. 

As a reminder, we have added a new eligible member activity for our 2021–22 program! In addition to supporting your organization’s financial stability programs, AmeriCorps members can now support your food security initiatives. AmeriCorps State members can:

  • Support emergency food services — Examples include food pantry and food distribution support such as stocking shelves, sorting and packing donations, and processing client paperwork 

  • Support direct food programming — Examples include connecting people to youth food programs such as summer food service programs or after school programs, as well as supporting senior and homeless food programs 

  • Promote fresh food initiatives — Examples include supporting community gardening (planting, harvesting, etc.) and farmers’ markets (managing vendors and volunteers, connecting shoppers to SNAP benefits) 


AmeriCorps State host site applications are due this Friday, May 7, 2021. 


CEDAM & CDAD’s Annual Membership Meeting

Convening with others with a shared purpose makes community development action possible. That’s why the Community Economic Development Association (CEDAM) and the Community Development Advocates of Detroit (CDAD) are excited to host our first-ever virtual Annual Membership Meeting, bringing together members and partners to reflect on our accomplishments and plan for the future.


Tuesday, May 25, 2021

3:00 — 4:00 pm EST

Virtual event

Attendance is free of charge.


More than a year after we last connected for this event, we’re looking forward to providing CEDAM and CDAD members, as well as our partners and those interested in our organizations, with the opportunity to connect with other leaders in the field. Join us as we:

  • Invite speakers to elaborate on relevant and pressing topics affecting today’s communities.
  • Discuss how we and our members adapted to overcome the challenges of the past year as well as major policy wins that helped our field do so.
  • Share how our members and partners can connect with CEDAM and CDAD to move community economic development policy forward.
  • Provide time to connect with funders, CEDAM and CDAD staff, and other leaders in the field through breakout sessions. 
  • Announce our new board members.

We’re looking forward to seeing you there as we continue working toward our collective goal to build thriving communities in Michigan. 


CEDAM is hiring!

CEDAM is currently hiring for three full-time positions—and we need your help finding the people who can join us in moving Michigan’s CED field forward! 

To support the creation of vibrant, sustainable, and resilient communities, it is important that our staff reflects the diversity of our membership. Luckily, we know you! We encourage you to consider applying yourself and/or send these opportunities to those who might be interested in bringing their experience and energy to advance CEDAM’s work. 

We’re accepting applications on a rolling basis and will start reviewing them May 17. Learn more about working at CEDAM and why you should join our team here.


Building organizational capacity through successful grant management: Registration is open! 

Community development organizations across Michigan provide critical services and make their communities vibrant places to live. However, we understand that you may be facing capacity challenges that, if addressed, would allow your organization to make an even greater impact. Having the tools to effectively seek out, prepare for, and manage grants can make a huge difference in your organization’s ability to transform your community.

Join CEDAM May 24 & 25 from 9:00–11:00am EST both days as two veteran community development leaders discuss:

  • Preparation of grant submissions. We’ll answer: What are the essential steps of grant preparation?
  • Feasibility analysis. We’ll answer: What assessments are needed to determine feasibility of a project? What steps should be taken to ensure neighborhoods or potential participants would benefit from a specific grant?
  • Administration and program delivery during the grant cycle. We’ll answer: What skills and systems are required for accounting, budgeting, financial planning, and proper spending and tracking? 
  • Partnership development. We’ll answer: How to identify and bolster diverse partnerships, and discuss strategies to maintain these relationships.
  • Building local capacity. We’ll answer: How to increase organizational capacity through internal analysis and action step planning.

This two-part virtual training is FREE of charge. 


CED 101: Community Planning

Community planning (or urban planning) is often thought of as the bones on which community economic development is built. Community planning impacts our day-to-day lives as residents and the work we do as practitioners. Join us May 18 at 10am EST as we explore the intersection of community planning and community economic development work!

Facilitated by Andrea Brown, Michigan Association of Planning



May 4, 2021

May 25, 2021

Event Category: