Southwest Solutions presents “How to Start a Business in Michigan? ¿Cómo empezar un negocio en Michigan? ”
Does the pandemic have you wanting to be your own boss? Join Southwest Solutions to learn how to start your own business!
Updates and Opportunities from MEDC
Updates and opportunities from MEDC.
New Better Arguments Project’s Resources
The Better Arguments Project is proud to share new resources that are designed to help Americans bridge divides, not by papering over them, but by exploring them more honestly together. Learn more about what it means to have a “Better Argument” — and how you can put our principles into practice — by attending one of their free trainings. Consider joining a Better Argument or hosting your own using their new toolkits.
New November Events from CEDAM!
New November Events from CEDAM!
Rashida Tlaib and Debbie Dingell’s Virtual Post-Election Town Hall
Join Rashida Tlaib and Debbie Dingell on Tuesday, November 17, at 11:00 am for their virtual Post-Election Town Hall.
Invest Detroit is Hiring a Senior Loan Officer!
Invest Detroit is looking for a stellar Senior Loan Officer with loan origination experience and a passion for our great city.
TEDxDetroitFutureCity Countdown
Detroit Future City is joining sustainability leaders around the world who are hosting TEDx events as part of TEDxCountdown. Countdown is a global initiative to champion and accelerate solutions to climate change, turning ideas into collective, coordinated action.
Deadline Nov 20: Opportunity for Youth Ages 13–18: Generator Z
Generator Z invites teens in Western New York and Southeast Michigan to become ‘Generators’ and share their ideas on how to reimagine the future of afterschool.
Detroit Future City’s Conversation on Economic Equity
Join Detroit Future City for a Facebook Live Conversation on Economic Equity!
New Urban Consulate Events
New Urban Consulate events.