Business Association Consortium Resources and Training Opportunities
Please see below for list of resources and training opportunities that may be of value to you or the businesses within your districts. 11/8 at 9am MEDC and DEGC will be hosting a roundtable to discuss neighborhood holiday marketing campaigns to drive foot traffic. We hope you can participate!. Registration can be found here. Applications for […]
The Detroit Parks Coalition (DPC) is an alliance of organizations that connect Detroiters to beautiful and healthy natural areas, parks, and public spaces. We support a network of individuals and organizational park stewards through advocacy, learning, services, and partnership.
New Report on Nonprofit Transitions from White to BIPOC Leaders
Making (Or Taking) Space: Initial Themes on Nonprofit Transitions from White to BIPOC Leaders, a new report, explores common challenges facing incoming nonprofit leaders of color who take over from white executive directors.
Updates from Co.act
MANAGING YOUR CAREER... AUTHENTICALLY ● Managing Your Social Impact Career... Authentically Thursday, November 18, 12 – 1PM Nonprofit and social impact professionals desire realness in our lives. We strive to align our values, beliefs and attitudes with the work we do, and crave authentic relationships with the individuals and communities we’re privileged to serve. Navigating those […]
CEDAM’s Community Economic Development (CED) 101 webinar series
The CED field is diverse, has many definitions and interpretations, and comes with a complicated history.
News from CDAD
Last week CDAD had a meeting with Heather Zygmontowicz- Chief of Special Housing Programs & Strategic Implementation with the City of Detroit. Heather met with CDAD members to get feedback and recommendations for the Renew Detroit Program. We are sharing with members the materials from the meeting. Renew Detroit Renew Detroit Post App Slides […]
Shift Series
Designing and implementing significant change for children facing poverty requires thorough and interconnected considerations of data, policy, and people’s voices. National legislation is being enacted to slash child poverty by almost half, city government has set priorities on intergenerational poverty, and local programs are pushing back against economic and racial inequity. Join our panelists to discuss how they’ve used multiple tools to influence federal, city, and neighborhood shifts that affect our most vulnerable populations.
“Critical Race Theory: What it Is and What it Isn’t.”
New Detroit’s next Town Hall “Critical Race Theory: What it Is and What it Isn’t.” The free event will be live on Zoom and Facebook Tuesday, November 16 at 6:30 pm. Click here to REGISTER. Offered in partnership with Lakeshore Ethnic Diversity Alliance, and moderated by Stephen Henderson, speakers include: Dr. Truman Hudsonm Jr., Outreach Coordinator, Instructor, and Teacher for the Education Division […]