Apply today to work directly with Activate Fund grant and award recipients!
Calling ALL for-profit, nonprofit and/or independent contractors who provide professional consulting services! Co.act Detroit is seeking professional service providers to apply to work directly with new grantees/awardees of the Activate Fund’s two inaugural programs: Nonprofit Fundamentals and Collaboration Pilot. Awards for both programs will be granted in June, after which qualified service providers will be […]
FRB Requests Feedback on the Nonprofit Organization New Loan Facility and the Nonprofit Organization Expanded Loan Facility
The Federal Reserve established the Main Street Lending Program to support lending to small and medium-sized businesses. The Main Street Lending Program now includes two proposed facilities designed to support lending to nonprofit organizations: the Nonprofit Organization New Loan Facility (NONLF) and the Nonprofit Organization Expanded Loan Facility (NOELF). As the proposals are finalized, the Federal Reserve and the Treasury are seeking feedback from lenders, borrowers, and other stakeholders to make the Program as efficient and effective as possible, while also safeguarding taxpayer funds.
CDAD Conversation with the Housing and Revitalization Department on the Neighborhood Opportunity Fund
ZoomJoin Community Development Advocates of Detroit (CDAD) for a conversation with the City of Detroit's, Neighborhood Services Division to talk about the Neighborhood Opportunity Fund and how nonprofits can use it to strengthen Detroit.
LTU’s Navigating the Nuts and Bolts of Stormwater Infrastructure
OnlineJoin LTU as they deep dive into two newly designed (2019) built Green Stormwater Infrastructure projects in Detroit, Michigan. These projects include: The Sacred Heart Church parking renovation and The Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History’s Sankofa Permeable Pavers Project.
Apply June 29-July 10: Wayne Back to Work Small Business Grant
Grants up to $10,000. $50 million to be awarded.
Deadline June 30: Apply for the Diversity in Development – Detroit Loan Fund
Capital Impact Partners’ Diversity in Development – Detroit Loan Fund application is now open through June 30! If you are a real estate developer of color in Detroit, be sure to apply; interested candidates must be locally based, identify as racial or ethnic minorities and have projects with at least five residential units in the city of Detroit.
Building Movement Project’s Race to Lead Revisited Webinar
WebinarRace to Lead Revisited presents three key findings, which we will discuss during next week's webinar:
1. The original Race to Lead report is still relevant three years later.
2. There is a white advantage in the nonprofit sector.
3. DEI efforts are widespread and their effectiveness is uncertain.
Detroit 2020 Census Campaign Materials Available
The Detroit 2020 Census Campaign has door knockers, lawn signs and other collateral that are available to community groups to promote census participation in your communities.
CEDAM’s Keeping Michigan Residents in Their Homes Webinar
WebinarJoin CEDAM's panel of experts on July 7 from 9-10am EST to get an overview of the rental assistance program as well as understand how Eviction Diversion Programs (EDPs) fit into the pandemic-related housing program adopted by the legislature.
BECDD June 30th Stakeholder Forum on the Authentically Detroit Podcast
Missed our June 30th forum on Resilient Growth in Detroit's Neighborhoods? Don't have the time to watch a three hour video? Then listen to the forum on the Authentically Detroit podcast!