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Progress Dashboard

Where have we been?

Where have we been?

Where are we now?

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

Phase 1 (2016)

We recruited stakeholders to analyze the problem, created a beginning set of system elements, and began considering a framework for a Detroit community development system.

Phase 2 (2017-2018)

We formed an Advisory Council, conducted extensive research resulting in a specific set of challenges and created Task Forces to respond to those challenges and develop test-projects for most of the elements.

Phase 3 (2019-2020)

Stakeholders will champion elements of the system, working closely with CDOs and GROs, by “test-piloting” project ideas:

  • Coordination of Capacity Building Services
  • Community Development Career Navigation Model
  • Neighborhood Vitality Success Framework
  • Neighborhood Voice and Advocacy Framework
  • At least two city-CDO funded partnerships

Simultaneously we will:

  • Activate the System Capitalization element
  • Establish a governance/oversight structure
  • Develop a process to resolve CDO coverage for all neighborhoods

2019–2020-2021 Structure and Process


2019–2021 System Governance: Forming the System Coordination and Oversight Entity

System Governance Element:

  • Community development coverage process
  • Coordinating and aligning all the system elements
  • A collaborative community development structure among organizations in neighborhoods and across the City.

BECDD Steering Committee

14+ Community Development Stakeholders:

  • 6 CDOs
  • 4 Intermediaries
  • 2 Funders
  • 1 City Government Official
  • 1 University
  • Other Stakeholders
  • Oversaw the BECDD Phase 3 System Building Process
  • Determining the Oversight Structure and Accountability Process


System Projects: Monitoring, Guidance, and Compilation of Learnings Through the Testing of 2018 Task Force Recommendations by 5 Stakeholder Implementation Teams


Leading to These Outcomes


Implementation team:

  • CDAD
  • Co.act
  • Enterprise
  • MCR

Capacity Building & Certification Element

2020–2023 Outcomes:

  • Collaborative group of capacity building providers
  • Certified, high-capacity CDOs and strong GROs in every neighborhood

  • NEIGHBORHOOD VOICE AND ADVOCACY FRAMEWORK: testing in two neighborhoods

Implementation team:

  • CDAD

Neighborhood Voice & Advocacy Element

2020–2023 Outcomes:

  • Citywide structure to articulate neighborhood priorities

  • NEIGHBORHOOD VITALITY INDEX: articulating and advocating

Implementation team:

  • Data Driven Detroit
  • JFM Consulting Group

Data & Evaluation Element

2020–2023 Outcomes:

  • Neighborhood vitality” progress measurement system in play in partnership with city government
  • Universal access to neighborhood data with technical assistance to collect it, acquire it and use it


  • Youth in Community Development Consortium
  • Detroit Public Schools Community Development Partnerships
  • Community Development Career Navigation Portal
  • Community Development Middle and High School Curriculum
  • Community Development Competency Framework
  • Community Development High School and Higher Ed Academic Tracks
  • Workplace Learning Partnerships

Implementation team:

  • Cody Rouge Community Action Alliance
  • Congress of Communities
  • Eastside Community Network
  • Urban Neighborhood Initiatives

Education & Career Pipeline Element

2020–2023 Outcomes:

  • Community development certification academic tracks with a career navigation system
  • Strong pipeline of community development professionals


Implementation team:

  • 8 CDOs w/ CHN Housing Partners, DLBA, Cinnaire 
    • Bridging Communities, Inc
    • Central Detroit Christian CDC
    • Eastside Community Network
    • GenesisHOPE CDC
    • Grandmont Rosedale CDC
    • Joy Southfield CDC
    • Osborn Neighborhood Alliance
    • U SNAP BAC

City Engagement Element

2020–2023 Outcomes:

  • Institutionalized City-CDO partnerships


System Resources: Continuing Research, Design and Strategy on How to Organize and Resource the System

System Capitalization Element:
  • System Capitalization Task Force
  • Statewide Neighborhoods and Communities Coalition
  • A sustainably resourced community development system with public and private sources and some systemic revenue streams

2021 Structure and Process

  • The BECDD Steering Committee is participating in a process with the CDAD Board, of embedding and integrating its work into CDAD as its institutional host.
  • The BECDD System Capitalization Task Force — including its Funders Discussion Group” — is working closely with, and reporting to, the Steering Committee on creating a 10-year strategy to sustainably resource the system 
    • The Task Force is sponsoring a series of Alignment Forums” in 2021, to bring stakeholders together to look at the various elements of community development and how funding can be better aligned for more impact.

Photos from February 23 Alignment Forum Seeking Alignment in Detroit: How Do We Get to Equitable Development Together?

  • The 5 BECDD Projects – each associated with one or more of the System Elements – continue to move forward in various stages of design and pilot testing.
  • Most of these BECDD Projects Teams have engaged with a stakeholder group (a workgroup, a task force, focus groups), to assure that BECDD stakeholders remain engaged and influential in shaping these projects.
  • Together, the key BECDD stakeholders are working together to identify resources to invest in all seven elements of this coordinated system – not just separate projects – to have a real impact on all Detroit neighborhoods.
  •  By the end of 2022, we hope that the building of the system – including all seven elements – will be finished, with a seamless community development system that impacts all of Detroits neighborhoods.