CEDAM’s CED 101 Webinar
New to the community economic development field or want to learn about areas outside of your expertise? CEDAM is hosting its second iteration of their community economic development (CED) 101 webinar series starting this month! New this year will be increased opportunities to network and debrief with participants to help you make connections with your peers across the state.
MSHDA Interim QAP Timeline & Updates Webinar
The Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA) is beginning the revision process for the interim Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP).
Driving Social Impact During Crisis Webinar with Cityfi’s Gabe Klein
How can city leaders quantify the costs and benefits of social services to drive impact in their communities? In times of budget constraints, how can we think through new revenue generation measures while supporting more inclusive and equitable budget allocations?
How Libraries Create Just, United, Resilient Communities Webinar with the NY Times’ Rebecca Blumenstein and Knight’s Alberto Ibargüen
What role do libraries play in our cities? Join the Maplewood Library Foundation for “E Pluribus Unum” a timely conversation on libraries, unity and cities.
Deadline October 9, 5pm: Apply to Become an AmeriCorps State Host Site
CEDAM is now recruiting for AmeriCorps State host sites to host members starting January 2021!
Co.act’s Advocacy, Civic Engagement and Supporting Social Movements as 501©3 Organizations Webinar
COVID-19 has caused upheaval in just about every aspect of society and has highlighted the deep social inequities many nonprofits are working to address. As 501(c)3 organizations, how can we effectively advocate for those we serve and go deeper in our engagement of social movements that support an anti-racist and equity-centered new way forward?
Young Adults: Politics, Protests and Policing Webinar with University of Chicago’s Cathy J. Cohen
In our current national moment of reckoning, important social issues are surfacing for young Americans. What are their thoughts on the issues of this moment? What’s driving them to the polls this fall?
Deadline Sep 18: Enterprise’s Section 4 Capacity Building Grants
Section 4 Capacity Building Grants are now available! Enterprise is seeking applications from CHDOs and CDCs for capacity building activities.
Apply for a 2020 Creators of Culture Grant
Apply for a 2020 Creators of Culture Grant.
From DEGC: New Grants and Loans and Important Resources
From DEGC: New Grants and Loans and Important Resources.