Knight Foundation’s Resiliency and Innovation during COVID-19 Webinar with the Underline’s Meg Daly
How do communities stay resilient during and after a pandemic? How do nonprofit leaders think about resiliency and innovation with budget constraints?
Action Alert: First Hearing on Bills Creating the Michigan Community Investment Pilot Program Tax Credit
CEDAM is excited to announce that Rep. Steve Marino (R-Harrison Twp.), Chair of the House Commerce and Tourism Committee, has tentative plans to hold the first hearing next week on bills 5820-5821! The bills would authorize the creation of the Michigan Community Investment Pilot Program and Tax Credit. The hearing is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, September […]
Knight Foundation’s Unpacking Online Speech Webinar with Fordham Law Professor Olivier Sylvain
With the click of a button, almost anyone in the world can post their thoughts, opinions or commentary on the internet. How can we understand speech online and the policies that surround it?
Knight Foundation’s Centering the Arts in Your City’s Present and Future Webinar with SV Creates CEO Connie Martinez
Despite the many ways the arts enrich our communities, arts advocacy has never been easy. And now, when artists hit hard by the pandemic have led our communities in coping and imagining new ways forward, it’s as important as ever to make sure that the arts are central to community planning and development — and are funded appropriately.
Stanford Cyber Policy Center’s Social Media and Democracy
From misinformation to hate speech to political advertising, social media is delivering content that affects our society and democracy. In “Social Media and Democracy: The State of the Field and Prospects for Reform,” scholars at the Knight-supported, cross-disciplinary Stanford Cyber Policy Center will explore how online content impacts democratic information ecosystems, and how to mitigate its worst effects.
Leveraging Parks and Public Spaces for Schools During COVID-19 Webinar
How can schools leverage greenspaces during COVID-19? How can parks and public spaces provide a safer space for outdoor learning?
The American Vote: What’s at Stake? Webinar
This fall, as the nation continues to take on the coronavirus, several critical things are at stake — including the fate of voting rights for Americans. On Episode 20 of “The Future of Democracy,” we’ll talk with Nicole Austin-Hillery, executive director of the Human Rights Watch U.S. program.
From Live to Livestream Webinar
Performers and arts organizations of every stripe are adapting to the constraints of a socially distanced audience and are utilizing communications technology like Zoom, podcasts, and social media to reach remote audiences in new ways. On Episode 10 of “DISCOVERY,” we’ll talk with Kathryn Yu, executive director of No Proscenium, an organization that explores how performers experiment with remote performances.
Black Voices: The Stories that Need to be Told Webinar
In the wake of George Floyd’s killing, journalists are having their own reckoning on how newsrooms have upheld systemic racism. Some major outlets have announced new teams devoted to covering race and systemic oppression. What does research show about how Black Americans experience the news? What stories need to be told on a broader scale?
CEDAM’s September Webinars
Check out CEDAM's September webinars.